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What is transformational coaching

What is transformational coaching

Transformational coaching is in-depth coaching. The coach and the client enter into a coaching relationship so the the client receives support during the time required to set goals through the creation of a blueprint.

Working together, the coach and the client draft a blueprint listing the methods by which the desired changes are approached an implemented.

The client is empowered to make changes that are realistic, and in turn those changes become self actualized. Transformational coaching does not dwell on past issues and instead integrates the past experiences with the present in order to move into the future.

Self-actualized change is based on a process in which negative self talk is replaced with a more positive outlook and attitude. Some changes will take longer to achieve and realize because sustainable change is a process.

The coach is present throughout the coaching process and will assist the client in maintaining the focus on the present. Superficial changes are not sustainable over time and do not enhance potential for the future.

A blueprint can be made to be interchangeable to meet several goals that are required to make change possible over time.

Integration of past experiences can help the client understand that the present cannot change the past and that those experiences are used as a measuring tool from which the client once was and where the client desires to go in the future.

You can read more on how coaching works, or you can go straight to the introductory questionnaire.